Mark Lester had claims that he is biological father of Michael Jackson's daughter Paris. he told that he's donated the sperm for Michael. but he just want people know the real story by not want anything. because Paris is not anything other than Michael’s daughter.
Mark Lester claim that "Michael Jackson asked me in a private conversation if I'd be willing to donate my sperm on his behalf. I was phoned up by a London clinic, and made an appointment to go along. He was married to Debbie Rowe at the time, she is the birth mother of the children."
“This isn’t what Michael would have wanted. I feel I have to come forward, as my only way of saying, ‘Please don’t shut me out!’,”
He also added “I feel it’s important. I love those kids so much. We’ve had great times together. I don’t know if I’m doing the right thing speaking out.
But I’m not trying to make any claim on anything. Even if it’s proven Paris is biologically mine I wouldn’t see her as anything other than Michael’s daughter. He raised her. Michael was a brilliant, brilliant dad. Those kids are Michael’s children. He was their father. End of story. But I just want to make sure they’re happy.”