According to MSNBC, Kanye insist "I was just listening to (radio host) Wendy Williams and heard some quote about me saying I’m the new King of Pop. Not only did I not say that, I haven’t said anything"
"It scares me to think what people will believe, without even a source. Any random person can type something on the Internet and then the world believes it. I don't talk to press or do TV or do promotions of any sort. I've stopped chasing and buying into fame" said West.
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 2 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552
Kanye West : "Not the New King of Pop"
The rapper Kanye West so angry with the news that report say about "The new King of Pop" and say he NEVER talk anything like that.

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