Actress Megan Fox is the cover girl of "Wonderland magazine" September 2009 issue (4th anniversary) the magazine will be on sale on September 3.
“I never fell out of love with her, That just wouldn’t go away.” said by Chris
“I can flip on a switch in my brain, and even if the next Brad Pitt is standing next to me, I won’t look at him, But I can also turn that switch off, and then I collect attractive boys.”
she said "I was very proud because it was early in my career and they fetched 3,500 dollars, which I think is pretty good. I haven’t had a boob op, I never would. I love them just the way they are. Guys seem to as well."
Life & Style quote from an insider "Megan is psyched to have gotten this opportunity,” the insider tells Life & Style. “She has a lot of surprises in store for the audience. This is the perfect opportunity for her to show off her comedic skills, as she’s launching her new movie Jennifer’s Body”
He told "I just read something that I loved, loved, loved and the character was so different from who I could play, so I felt it was too much of a leap. Like me playing Truman Capote, that’s what I would compare it to. It’s like people wouldn’t buy me in it, no matter how good I was.
“I can’t make myself physically smaller, I can lose weight, I could do a ton of prosthetics on my face but I would still look a certain way. There are some things that you are just not right for.” said by Ashton
According Contactmusic, Ashton is insits "Life couldn’t be better, even if I was standing on that beach out there. I’m so good I almost need another one of me to be any better"
“I’m very excited. It will be fun, David and I are going to do it right back on the set where we first met. It’s going to be so exciting for us in many ways.”
“It still feels very surreal to me… you know, when it all hits me, because I just try to keep my life as normal as possible"
“I still go to the grocery store. I still do all the things that I used to do, it just takes a little longer and I’m talking to a lot more people and signing autographs now.”
Alyssa also told People "We wanted to capture the same feeling with people passing around beautiful bowls of food and talking and laughing"
"I’m not trying to clean my image to make anyone happy. I could have gone the route of the Jonas Bros. Those guys can’t live their lives freely. They have to put out this image that’s totally fake."
"I don’t think any of them would be much trouble. I’d never lay a hand on Nick, I love that kid, but the other two better not get in my way." He added
She reveal "[He’s my] first love I’m not some fame whore."
“She’s the biggest single teacher in the world for me, When you have a baby, the baby becomes so important that only really tangible problems become important rather than all these emotional concerns that you have before."
“Pre-children you create so many problems for yourself, like, ‘Am I ready for this audition?’ and you fret loads about whether you’re good enough, but now I have Ever, it’s not such a big deal."
“We’ve been together for almost 9 years, so by now we’ve kind of realized that we’re going to take this journey together”
“I just know I’m going to have five boys”
“I’ve got it in my contract that I only work with pretty boys, My next movie is with Ashton Kutcher. He’s one of the fittest guys I’ve ever seen.”
report by The Sun. she reveal that "I was never very sexual before I met you, Spencer, When I met you, I entered into a whole new realm of understanding, from fantasy to love."
"Or to experience a day with 20 or 30 orgasms. Before you, sex was just something that happened." she so reveal
"My boobs got huge right away, They got so sore, that if anyone even brushed up near me, I would scream"
"I feel like it's such a beautiful thing, that every woman who goes though it, should embrace it. I think if you're naturally skinny, and pregnant, and that's how your body is, that's fine."
"Girl, you gots to keep your clothes [on]. Phones are for phone calls, girl." said by Dane
"Who knows? Maybe Wolverine will use one of these when he heads to Japan, See you next time around!" he told! make the fans exciting...
"Japan is where we're heading, [and] we're starting to work on it now. We're in ... the first steps of developing that story. I think the fans love that saga. It's my favorite saga of the Wolverine stories. That's a movie I've longed to make from the beginning, so that's where we're heading." Hugh said
"It's very, very difficult and people have no idea what they do to peoples' relationships. They destroy them. The paparazzi and the public"
"The public wants to read about your personal life, and the paparazzi give it to them by nosing into your personal life and saying things that are just not true and horrible."
"Everyday you move me to be a better person. I love you..miss u so much," Ashlee wrote or her sister "You are a perfect friend and sis. Thank you." she added