Jon Voight said : "Well, they are both very beautiful women, and they are both sexy gals, you know" and he added "And they’re both in action pictures now"
"everybody is unique. We are all so different from one another that we can’t be compared — but they are very attractive girls"
วันศุกร์ที่ 31 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552
Jon Voight : "Megan Fox & Angelina Jolie both are very beautiful"
Father of actress Angelina Jolie talk about his daughter and his 'Transformers' co-star Megan Fox that they both are very beautiful.
Kanye West : "I am the new King of Pop"
Musician Kanye West has been decided that he will take the crown of Michael Jackson to be the new king of pop
He said "You know everyone loves and respects Michael but times change. It's so sad to see Michael gone but it makes a path for a new King of Pop and I'm willing to take that on. There's nobody who can match me in sales and in respect so it only makes sense for me to take over Michael's crown and become the new King. First there was Elvis, then there was Michael, now in the 21st century it's Kanye's time to rule. I am the new King of Pop."

Samantha Burke : Law's 4th Child is a Girl
Samantha Burke, a former girlfriend of Jude Law, who has his child, his lawyer a confirmation of the impending baby gender and name. In addition, the lawyers also several false statements to make your way all the media, which is located in the vicinity of Samantha as a Jew and the relationship.
And the other reports of Samantha's mom said the Samantha is in shock and fear about her pregnancy, and it so difficult to contact Law
Samantha lawyers only make a statement "Samantha, her mom, and her family can affirm that Jude has been responsive and supportive throughout the relationship and pregnancy, and know that he will remain so as a father once Baby Sophia is born. Jude and Samantha remain committed to the health and well-being of this child, and appreciate your honoring her privacy during this special time."
And the other reports of Samantha's mom said the Samantha is in shock and fear about her pregnancy, and it so difficult to contact Law
The lawyer told "comments attributed to Samantha's mother in media stories reported within the last twenty-four hours regarding Jude's contact with Samantha and his involvement were taken out of context."

Megan Fox : "I'm not new Angelina Jolie"
Many people would be compared to show Angelina Jolie, Megan Fox is not one of them and she is sick of people comparing the two actresses.
the Transformers actress saide : “I think it’s cause she has tattoos really, I think a lack of creativity on the media’s part, I am brunette with tattoos, I curse and I have made mention of sex before. I joke about it which people find outrageous so they want to constantly compare that to her.
“You know Shia [LaBeouf] is the new Tom Hanks, Rihanna is the new Beyonce. Everybody is the new somebody although none of us are any of those people so you just walk around with it you live with it.”

Paris Hilton : "Young Girls Not to Make Sex Tape"
A "sick" compared to her old boy-friend Rick Salomon who released sex tape, Paris Hilton warning about the girl does not follow. She said : "I want young girls to never put themselves in that situation I was in. Don't ever let someone talk you into doing something you don't want to do,"
"I was humiliated, embarrassed and in shock that it happened. It was definitely very painful. When you trust someone and love someone - for them to do that to you, it's really hard. It's something that bothers me everyday."
"It wasn't my fault, it was something that someone did to me, so I've just learned to be a strong woman and nothing can hurt me at this point."

Samantha Burke is pregnant Jude Law's baby
Model and young actress Samantha Burke is pregnant with an actor Jude Law. After report by Babies' R 'Us registry, the child would be a girl named Sophia, who scheduled for 6 October.
Burke, 24 years old is sort date with Law by the end of 2008 to a pregnancy. According to Burke's the lawyer said
Burke, 24 years old is sort date with Law by the end of 2008 to a pregnancy. According to Burke's the lawyer said
"Ms. Burke can confirm that she did in fact have a relationship with Mr. Law and that she has informed Mr. Law that she is expecting his child later this fall. Since informing Mr. Law of the pregnancy, he has been nothing but responsive and supportive of Ms. Burke and the pregnancy"

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